Extended Day Center

About the Extended Day Center
The Extended Day Center offers an after-school program for children from transitional kindergarten through sixth grade. Bus service from Turtle Rock Elementary is available for TK-6th grade students and from Vista Verde Elementary for kindergarten-6th grade students (during the traditional school year). Bus passes are purchased through IUSD transportation. Extended Day participates in the Child Nutrition Programs, and provides a hot lunch (for TK and kindergarten children) and snack daily during the school year, as well as breakfast, lunch, and snack during the summer. The center serves UCI students, staff, and faculty, and subsidized tuition is available to eligible student families through a grant from the State Department of Education.
License number: 300606499
Established: 1978
Enrollment: 45
Ratio: 1:14
Hours: School year 11:30 am- 5:30 pm Monday-Friday, Summer 7:30 am-5:30 pm Monday-Friday
Professional recognition: OCP Outdoor Classroom Demonstration Site
Professional recognition: Nature Explore Certified Classroom