Verano Preschool

About Verano Preschool
Verano Preschool offers a half-day preschool program for children two and a half to five years of age (or until eligible for kindergarten). A morning snack is served each day, and children bring their own lunch to school. The center serves students, staff, faculty, and community.
License number: 300606472
Established: 1969
Enrollment: 24
Ratio: 1:8
Hours: 9:00 am-1: 00 PM Monday-Friday during the school year. Closed during UCI academic breaks and summer.
Professional Recognition: QRIS 4-Star rated program; NAEYC Accredited Program
Link to NAEYC family website: https://families.naeyc.org/program/uci-verano-preschool?lid=1602358
Link to Quality Start Website: https://qualitystartoc.org/Documents/2019%20Star%20Rating%20Reports/UCI/UCI%20Verano.pdf